I would like to introduce you to another author: L.Leander.

L.Leander was born in Michigan and lived in small-town farming communities most of her life.  Later, she was able to travel extensively and gained a broader aspect of the world and places she had always dreamed of visiting.  Ms. Leander graduated from Hillman Community School and is an alumnus of Hot Springs Beauty Academy, where she also taught cosmetology.

“I was lucky growing up, with parents who urged me to reach for my dreams, says Ms. Leander.  “My father was a musician/songwriter who taught me to play the guitar and I played and sang with him all of my life.  He was the inspiration for my songwriting.  My mother was a farm girl who was an excellent horsewoman, painted, sewed, cooked, and even built furniture!  As the eldest child I was very fortunate to inherit many of their best traits, I think.  Both of my parents loved to read and I don’t remember ever not having a book in my hand.  Many a night I got in trouble for reading with a flashlight under the covers when I should have been sleeping.  I had two teachers in high school, band teacher Mr. Switzer and English teacher Mrs. Livingston, who inspired me to succeed.  Both saw talents I didn’t realize I had and pushed me to do more.”

“Living in a farming community I learned to do a lot of interesting things.  Cooking, canning, milking, butchering, sewing, cooking, gardening, and churning butter were all things I know how to do that gave me background for my writing.  The rest is research, perhaps my favorite part of the writing process.”

Ms. Leander has two children, two sisters, and one brother.  She currently spends the winter months in Mazatlan, Mexico with her husband, Ralph, and the summer months in Wisconsin.

Next week I will post an interview with Ms. Leander, about her novel: INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders. Until then get writing, get reading!